The best way to find yourself Is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Who We Are
Together We Can Build a World Where All Children, Youth and Senior Citizens Live a Dignified Life.
Sri Sai International Charitable Trust is formed with the aim to help the people who do not have access to the basic needs in this society to live a dignified life.
The Trust started a Rehabilitation Centre called Sri Sai Integrated Rehabilitation Centre which is an internationally recognized and renowned Rehabilitation and Recovery Centre for people and their families struggling with alcohol Addiction.
The Trust started Dwarakaa Sadhanna Serenity Home with the main aim of bringing joy and contentment into the lives of the elderly, who may not be staying with their families for some reason, may not have a family to stay with or simply prefer the company of people who fall in the same age category as themselves.
The Trust started Open Schooling with the primary aim to give education to the children who are unable to attend conventional schools (for any reason) access to the same education as those who do attend traditional schools.
Our Approach
We Facilitate Safe Living and Learning Spaces
Sri Sai IRCA is a safe de-addiction centre with round the clock security, in-house medical care and treatment.
Dwarakaa Sadhanna Serenity Home is a safe place for senior citizens to live and being a home away from home has a round the clock medical care and security so that the senior citizens can live in peace and hormony.
It is also a safe place for children to come and study and also play games and extra curricular activities for their overall development.
The place is always kept clean and hygienic and nutritious food cooked in-house is given to the children, young and senior citizens.
— Our Mission
Empowering the underprivileged to articulate concerns about their Rights and advocate for the same by facilitating linkages with the existing government schemes and entitlements. Mobilization of the resources (for basic amenities including beds, food, clothing etc.) from potential donors in order to improve the living condition of the underprivileged at shelters to maintain their dignity.
— Our Vision
To empower the vulnerable and the marginalized population by facilitating the access to services in order to improve their physical, mental, social well-being and holistic development.
— Our Approach
One-to-one strategy. Every individual is unique and the solutions must be tailor-made to address the person’s issue and help him to come out of the issue to lead a better life.
IRCA Partners
Under the aegis of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is a Government of India ministry. It is responsible for welfare, social justice and empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized sections of society, including the victims of drug abuse.
The National Institute of Social Defence - Training Partner
The National Institute of Social Defence is the nodal training and research institute in the field of social defence. Though social defence covers the entire gamut of activities and programmes for the protection of society, it is currently focusing on human resource development in the areas of drug abuse prevention, welfare of senior citizens and transgenders, beggary prevention, and other social defence issues.